Saturday, July 09, 2011

Flower beds updated

These pictures were taken early in June.  Since then I have fixed up 3 porch boxes for on the railing.  I also started weeding the triangle flower box (no picture yet).  That was about half done when I pulled the  hamstring muscle in my right leg and had to stop everything for a couple weeks.  My hubby helped me get the tomatoes and peppers in the garden.  I would work in the flower triangle for no more than 15 - 20 minutes at a time.  It still isn't totally cleaned out, but enough so that I got a few annuals planted.  My leg is still sore, but at least I can get through the day without pain pills every 6 hours.

The hostas have grown so much they are now covering the opening under the deck and look great!
My husband finally put the snow shovel away a couple weeks ago.  He wasn't taking any chances on needing it again for a few months.
This fuschia is hanging on the garage where it gets a little bit of shade from the hot afternoon sun.  It is really beautiful and covered in flowers and buds.

The petunias are extraordinarily nice this year.  The hummingbirds like the flowers better than the sugar water feeder.  When we are sitting on the deck, the hummers will come right up to the feeder and plants.
A couple times one has hovered a couple feet from us, looked us over, and after giving us his approval, he went on to feed.

I'll try to get updated pictures tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping by to "smell the roses" and enjoy my flowers with me.



Sandy said...

Really pretty Kathy!

CottageBliss said...

How lovely!